Debugging in WebSocket configuration


In this section we show the correct way to debug a Flutnet application with the FlutterBridge mode set to WebSocket.



We assume that you have configured correctly the FlutnetBridge for both your Xamarin project (Android or iOS) and you Flutter module. Even that we assume you have build your Flutter module, depending on the destination application (Android or iOS).

See Write your first Flutnet app for more details about how to build your Flutnet app.



Open your Xamarin project on Visual Studio and the Flutter module project using your preferred IDE (we use Visual Studio Code).


All the steps are described in the list below:

  1. Run your app using Visual Studio (just a Xamarin project): the app will start together its flutter module, but all his platform calls will be blocked by the FlutnetBridge.
  2. Run your Flutter module as standalone application using Visual Studio Code: press F5 or go to menu "Run" → "Start Debugging" and wait until the app will start.
  3. Now you can Debug Flutter using its future like hot reloadFor more details see Flutter Testing & Debugging.


Remember that both the application must run on the same Device or emulator. Ensure to have only this two application running to prevent some connection problems.

Testing And Debug Photos

Screenshots about the full procedure