Install Flutnet on macOS

Installing Flutnet on your machine involves:


All this setup procedure is intended for people with no experience using Xamarin and Flutter.
Feel free to install these frameworks as you like cool.


Install Xamarin on macOS


Visual Studio for Mac Setup

Go to and download visual studio for mac.

Run the installer and select all the section that you prefer. I selected .NET Core, Android and iOS. After that click install.

When the installation finish, visual studio will request to obtain Xcode from Apple Store.

Download and install it.


Now we go to check all the Xamarin sdk location: open Visual Studio for Mac and go to the menù:

Visual Studio → Preferences → SDK Locations → Android → Locations


There we will find:

  • Java sdk location
  • Android sdk location


In this configuration, we use the preinstalled Java version released with Xamarin, but you can change it with oracle or other version (remember that Flutter works only with Java 1.8 version).


To make sure that Xamarin and Flutter use the same java and android sdk we will set all the necessary Enviroments variable using

  • $HOME/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-sdk-macosx

  • $HOME/Library/Developer/Xamarin/jdk/microsoft_dist_openjdk_1.8.0.25

respectively for ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME. This two paths will be used during the Flutter setup process.


Now we check the android sdk installation. To do this we use xamarin android sdk tools. From visual studio go on the menù

Tools → SDK Manager


I have installed:

  • Android 9.0 Sdk
  • Android 10.0 Sdk

For checking if the installation is succeeded try to compile and run an Hello World project for both Android and iOS platform.

For all the details, follow the official xamarin guide at


The next step is to install and configure Flutter and Visual Studio Code.


Install Flutter on macOS

For the official Flutter guide see


System requirements

For all system requiremets follow the official guide. See here.


Flutter setup

Download the latest flutter stable version supported by flutnet and extract in your system.

 In this guide we use  $HOME/sdk/flutter as Flutter setup location (replace this path with your system setup configuration).


Now the important part: setting all the system variables and PATH.

In this guide we refere to the preinstalled terminal emulator in macOS: zsh.


Edit or create the file .zshrc in your $HOME directory.

If not exists create it using the command

touch $HOME/.zshrc


Open the file using your preferred text editor and add the following lines



# path flutter bin folder

export FLUTTER_BIN=$HOME/sdk/flutter/bin

# path for android home (xamarin)

export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-sdk-macosx


export ANDROID_PTOOLS=$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools

# path for java home and bin

export JAVA_HOME=$HOME/Library/Developer/Xamarin/jdk/microsoft_dist_openjdk_1.8.0.25

export JAVA_BIN=$JAVA_HOME/bin

# export path



Save and restart the terminal.

To check try to run  $ env on your terminal and see the list of enviroment variables.




To check if the PATH is update successfully open a new terminal and try this commands:

  • $ flutter
  • $ java -version
  • $ adb


To check Flutter installation run $ flutter doctor -v 

In case of "idevice_id error" see #Error "idevice_id" cannot run on macOS Catalina


If you need to accepts android licenses run on new terminal

$ flutter doctor –android-licenses  

and answer yes to all the question.


Error "idevice_id" cannot run (on macOS Catalina)

On macOs Catalina flutter installation can encounter this error message running flutter doctor. This is just reported on the official flutter repository: see  cannot run on catalina #42302. To resolve the issues just running this terminal command:

$ sudo xattr -d $HOME/sdk/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/libimobiledevice/idevice_id



Visual studio code setup - macOS

If you want, you can to follow the Official Flutter "Setup up an editor" guide.


Go to and install the stable version.


Open Visual Studio Code and add the Flutter extension:

Code → Preferences → Extensions


Search for "flutter" and install it.




Installing Flutnet SDK

First of all make sure that .NET Core 3.1 SDK is installed on your machine.

Then, download the Flutnet SDK from the Download page and follow the setup instructions.

Once the setup is completed, launch the Flutnet Console and create your first Flutnet App.